NHS England Learning Disability Improvement Standards project


The NHS England – Learning Disability Improvement Standards review is a national data collection, commissioned by NHS England (NHSE) and run by the NHS Benchmarking Network (NHSBN). The data collection has been designed to understand the extent of organisational compliance with the NHSE Learning Disability Improvement Standards and identify improvement opportunities.

The improvement standards reflect the strategic objectives and priorities described in national policies and programmes, in particular those arising from Transforming care for people with learning disabilities – next steps and the Learning Disabilities Mortality Review (LeDeR) programme. Compliance with these standards requires organisations to assure themselves that they have the necessary structures, processes, workforce and skills to deliver the outcomes that people with learning disabilities, their families and carers, expect and deserve. It also demonstrates a commitment to sustainable quality improvement in developing services and pathways for people with learning disabilities. The standards review aims to collect data from a number of perspectives to understand the overall quality of care across Learning Disability services.


  1. The scope of data collection will cover; organisations corporate arrangements for supporting people with intellectual disabilities, staff perceptions on services offered and the experience of care for people with learning disabilities.

  2. All Acute, Community, Mental Health Trusts, Ambulance Trusts, CICs and independent sector providers are included in the scope of the data collection.

Data collection

The data collection will comprise the following 3 elements:

  1. Organisational level survey: Completed for the Trust by a nominated Executive Learning Disability lead, which will collate data on policies, activity, the impact of the care delivered, service quality and outcomes.

  2. Staff survey: Completed from the perspective of individual staff members, this will be used to survey the workforce, training and skills.

  3. A patient survey: This will be used to survey the quality of care received by people with learning disabilities, and overall patient experience. The collection uses a paper format with an accompanied free post envelope for patients to send their responses back to project team anonymously. Please note Ambulance trusts and Children’s trusts are not required to complete the service user element of data collection.

Further details on the project can be found here.

Latest news

Round 5 Data collection now closed!

Data collection for the Year 5 Improvement Standards project has now closed and is undergoing validation. Take this time to review previous content and resources.

Round 4 Draft toolkit now available on members’ area!

The data collection for the Year 4 Improvement Standards is now closed. The data is now available for participants to view on our online interactive toolkit.

Further details and project guidance can be found here.

If you require log in details for the members’ area, please email the support team at nhsbn.nhsildsupport@nhs.net or call 0161 521 0956. For all project team contact details, please go to our Contact Us page.

Thank you for participating in the NHSE & NHSI Learning Disability data collection.


For info and support email: nhsbn.nhsildsupport@nhs.net